Saturday, December 20, 2008

Weather's Poetic Justice

On Wyckoff Avenue These Days It's Snow, Snow, Snow .... and Rain!

these days, the weather has gotten particularly cold in a very short time. it dropped suddenly right after Labor Day, then more even before Halloween. a slight repreive, but then another drop before Thanksgiving, then a very mild and wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, then colder skies and temps thru December.

now we have inches of snow, about 6 inches, that's all over the cars, streets and sidewalks here in New York. and it's not only getting colder, it's snowing again as i just found out stepping outside throwing out the trash. it sucks, ok? i want warm weather again. or move New York to where Miami sits. or just move to Miami.

oh well, the change of seasons. April showers bring May flowers, y'know?

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